Local community involvement
At Hyland House School we believe that it is very important to not only develop our students academically, spiritually, mentally but also socially. We believe that there is a big wide world out there, that our students need to be aware of. A world that is thriving in places but also a world where there is much suffering. Our school is able to cover a lot of social awareness skills through our foundation subjects such as Geography, PSHE, History, Religious Education, but we believe that it is important we open doors for them to be able to help communities in need here and abroad.
It is our aim to help our students develop a deeper understanding of why charitable giving is important and the roles charities serve. We believe that it is important to help students to develop the awareness that they are not only able to do this through monetary funds, but by also physically helping others. Children learn best through activities and volunteering; it gives them a chance to see the needs of a community first hand.
To embrace our communities, we are involved in a number of programmes throughout the year.
Carol singing
Annual school fete
Adventist Radio London (ARL) Christmas Carol Service
International day
World Book Day
Reading to residents at our local care home
End of year production
Mime performance
Performing in the community and churches across London