School life
What to expect at Hyland House
School day
Monday - Thursday 09:00 - 15:15
Friday 09:00 - 13:30
After-school club
Monday - Thursday
Read more about our school life
The morning routine
School begins each morning with our pupils and teachers gathering in the playground from 09:00. Before entering the building, children and staff recite the pledge and are ready to start the day!
Following registration, all pupils must attend worship for a session of praise, prayer, thanksgiving, pupil recognition and a health/spiritual presentation before separating the various classes according to the timetable.
Students must be in full uniform at all times.
Apart from watches, jewellery should not be worn in school. Make-up and nail varnish must not be worn on the school premises. Hair must be neat, tidy and well combed.
Weekly swimming lessons are provided by the local swimming baths.
Students from Year 2 are to participate in this aspect of the school’s curriculum.
We encourage all students to learn a musical instrument. We have employed a professional music tutors.
*School lunch is now available but children can also bring in their packed lunches to school.
Pupil involvement is a practical way of showing democracy at school.
Each year pupils in each class have the opportunity to vote for a representative from their class to be part of the student council. The Student Council meet at least monthly with Mrs St Luce-McKenzie (Years 5&6 teacher/Senior Leadership Team) and present ideas to improve school processes or move the school forward.
School Council
School Houses
Our House System is designed to promote and reinforce good behaviour, high standards and teamwork. Every child is placed in one of three Houses: King Solomon, Queen Esther or King David.
Children gain points for their House by a variety of methods, including:
Displaying kindness, helpfulness or any of the traits of the school ethos
Demonstrating aspects of the Personal, Learning and Thinking skills in their lessons
Wearing the correct uniform
Excellent attendance
Producing well thought out or properly edited school work.
As well as enjoying healthy competition, children learn the benefits and responsibilities associated with teamwork. Points are awarded regularly and the team with the highest points is celebrated half-termly.
King Solomon
Queen Esther
King David

After school club
A safe, fun place to be at the end of the school day.