What people are saying about Hyland House
All 4 of my children have attended the Hyland House School from Reception, and my last child is in his final year. I can honestly say that this has been the greatest investment that I have made in life. My children today are significantly better individuals for the experience they have had throughout their entire journey at the school. Since my 3 children have transitioned from Hyland House School to Secondary School, they have stood out from the outset with constant commendation from all teachers. My eldest son was awarded a “Jack Petchy” award, my twin girls have also performed live on television and regularly called upon to represent the school at major events, sing in the school community choir, and also came first place in the Waltham Forest Battle of the Bands competition in 2021.
As a Christian, I believe that children are a gift from God, and therefore pouring into them from an early age will no doubt produce good results.
— Parent
“Excellent! Everything about the school is just fantastic!”
— Parent of Year 5 child
“My son has been attending Hyland House School since Reception class (4 yrs) and I have seen the steady progress he has made and milestones reached. When he leaves in 2018, he will be equipped for the next chapter of his academic journey.”
— J. Hinds, parent of Year 6 child
“Brilliant school! Devoted Head and teachers. Great vision. Children are in excellent hands at Hyland House.”
— Stoke Newington Seventh-day Adventist Church
“I really enjoy being at Hyland House School, it’s like my home away from home, my family”
— Year 2 child